Environmental impact assesment

Refrigerated warehouse of the company «PAVLOS N. PETTAS SA», in the area of the Industrial Park of Ano Liosia (EIAS 261)

Refrigerated warehouse of the company «PAVLOS N. PETTAS SA», in the area of the Industrial Park of Ano Liosia - Attica (EIAS 261):

This study constitutes the EIAS of the construction and operation of a refrigerated warehouse with 10.600m3 volume. The study examined and evaluated the environmental impacts of the project and suggested appropriate remedies.

Assignment Authority: Private


Industry (EIAS 262):

This study constitutes the EIAS for the renewal and expansion of the existing environmental terms of the aforementioned industrial unit. The industrial unit is located in Magoula, Attica. It produces pastry products with a finished product production capacity 27,3 tonnes per day. The installed power of the unit is 495hp and installed heat output capacity is 471kW.

Assignment Authority: Private


Integrated water resources management of Geropotamos Municipality (EIAS 264 &264)

Integrated water resources management of Geropotamos Municipality. Construction and operation of transfer aqueducts of "Panormos-Roumeli and  " Exantis-Melidoni-Perama” (EIAS 264 &264B):

This study concerns the construction and operation of two different water supply transfer aqueducts to serve a total (permanent, seasonal, and touristic) population of 20.614 inhabitants (2028 horizon). The works include the construction of 18km pipelines, 6 pumping stations and 6 storage tanks of 2500 m3 capacity. In the Panormos – Roumeli aqueduct, water originates from boreholes and a saline spring and  it is treated in a Reverse – Osmosis Desalination plant that has a final capacity of 135 m3/hr. In the study, the environmental impacts of the project were examined and evaluated and appropriate measures in order to tackle these effects were suggested.

Assignment Authority: Municipality of Geropotamos

Realignment works of 'Kouvelorema" stream (EIAS 265 & 269)

Realignment works of 'Kouvelorema" stream at the area of Megalopolis B Thermoelectric Power Station (EIAS 265 & 269):

These studies constitute the EIpAS and EIAS of the realignment works of the Kouvelorema stream. The works are dictated by the necessity for flood protection of the new Combined Cycle power plant that will be installed near to the existing thermal plant. Kouvelorema is a 1st order stream basin of Alpheus river, with total basin 0,379 Km2 and a 50 year flood discharge of 1,34 m3 / s. The stream will be realigned over a total length of 729m. The new channel banks would be trapezoidal in cross-section, and lined with rock-filled gabion. In the study, the environmental impacts of the project were examined and evaluated and appropriate measures in order to tackle these effects were suggested.

Assignment Authority: PPC S.A


Operation of Storage facilities and equipment maintenance area, of BIOTER SA (EIAS 266)

Operation of Storage facilities and equipment maintenance area, of BIOTER SA, in the 'Dragana' Area Ipato of Thebes, Viotia County (EIAS 266):

This study is constitutes the EIpAS for the operation of the storage areas of vehicles, machinery and construction materials, tools and accessories and temporary storage of end of life machinery of "BIOTER SA" until its transfer to affiliated recycling companies. The plot is set to "Dragana" Area Ipato of Thebes, Viotia County, at the 82nd km NR Athens - Lamia and has an area of 1,9ha2 .

Assignment Authority: Private

Water resource utilization of Pindos and hydroelectric production (EIAS 267)

Utilization of Pindos' water resources by multiple and multipurpose water use and hydroelectric production (EIAS 267):

This study constitutes the EIpAS of the above project. The project involves the water transfer of 70x106 m3 of water in the wet season (October-May) from the location Vovousa in Aoos River to the existing reservoir of Public Power Corporation by pumping. From the 70x106 m3 of water pumped to the “Aoos springs” reservoir, 20x106 m3 of water will be transferred in order to be used in existing hydropower stations of Chrysovitsa, Pournari I and II and the future one of Metsovitiko that are built along rivers of Metsovitiko, Kararitiko and Arachthos. The rest 50x106 m3 of water will be kept in the reservoir and transferred throughout the whole year towards the Ioannina and Kalamas basin. These waters can have multipurpose use such as water supply of Ioannina city and broader area, enrichment and rehabilitation of Ioannina lake (Pamvotida), irrigation and additional electricity production in new hydroelectric plants.  The water transfer towards Ioannina basin is done by pressure pipes along which 2 new hydroelectric plants (Pamvotida and Grevenitis)  are to be constructed. After the enrichment of Ioannina Lake, water will be transferred to Kalamas river for energy production in Kalamas hydroelectric plant located downstream of Pamvotida lake. In the study, the environmental impacts of the project were examined and evaluated and appropriate measures in order to tackle these effects were suggested.

Assignment Authority: PPC S.A