Collection, transport and Wastewater Treatment of Filothei Municipality - Arta Prefecture (EIAS 276 A & B):
These studies constitute the EIpAS and the EIAS of the project that includes the construction of a sewage transfer network and a new wastewater treatment plant that is located in the plot of the existing wastewater treatment plant of Filippiada and will operate as an independent unit. The sewage transfer network from settlements of Filothei Municipality to the new wastewater treatment plant has a total length of 9,6 km, involves 4 pumping stations and serves a population of 1200. The new wastewater treatment plant has a capacity of 10800 population equivalent and will also serve other settlements that have different sewage transfer networks. Regarding the wastewater treatment the extended aeration treatment system will be applied with biological denitrification and, phosphorus removal and sludge stabilization. Tertiary treatment will involve sand filtration and UV disinfection. Treated effluent will be discharged to the Louros river, that is a sensitive receiver under 91/271/EEC Directive provisions, using the disposal works of the existing wastewater treatment plant. The environmental impacts from the operation of the project were examined and appropriate measures in order to tackle these effects were suggested.