Strategic environmental impact

Implementation of Water Management Plans for Crete Water District, according to the specifications of Directive 60/2000/EC and L.3199 / 2003 and Decree 51/2007 - Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA 16)

This is the Strategic Environmental Impact Assessment (SEA) of the Programme of Measures and the Draft river Basin Management Plan (RBMP) for Crete WD (GR13), which consists of three (3) river water basins: GR39, GR40 and GR41.

This SEA includes and addresses the following sections:

a) Program of Measures, which includes the definition of regulations, or the so-called basic measures that should be implemented to achieve the objectives set for 2015 in accordance with Community and/or national laws. These measures also include pricing measures taken to give users incentives to manage water efficiently. Where these provisions are not sufficient to achieve the objectives set, additional measures proposed.

b) b) Plan to tackle water scarcity and drought phenomena.


Assignment Authority: MEECC- SSW

Ex-Ante evaluation and Strategic Environmental Assessment of the Regional Operational Programme of South Aegean 2014-2020 (SEA 15)

Ex-Ante evaluation and Strategic Environmental Assessment of the Regional Operational Programme of South Aegean 2014-2020 (SEA 15):

This study is the Strategic Environmental Assessment of the Regional Operational Programme (ROP) of the South Aegean Region (SAR) for the programming period 2014-2020. The study covers the area of South Aegean which includes the Regional Units of Cyclades and Dodecanese.


The vision of of SAR for the period 2014-2020 is to transform the SAR to one of the top destinations of the “industry of experience” worldwide through the adoption of a sustainable development strategy, product differentiation and identity-building destination. The ROP is structured in five main strategic objectives (priorities), which are associated with 11 different thematic objectives.

Assignment: South Aegean Region


Ex-Ante evaluation and Strategic Environmental Assessment of the Regional Operational Programme of Ionian Islands 2014-2020 (SEA 14)

Ex-Ante evaluation and Strategic Environmental Assessment of the Regional Operational Programme of Ionian Islands 2014-2020 (SEA 14):

This study is the Strategic Environmental Assessment of the Regional Operational Programme (ROP) of the Region of Ionian Islands (RII) for the programming period 2014-2020. The study covers the area of the Ionian Islands, which includes the Regional Units of Corfu, Zakynthos, Ithaca, Kefalonia and Lefkada.

The vision of of RII for the period 2014-2020 is sustainable development by strengthening the competitiveness and attractiveness of the Region of Ionian Islands, through the utilization of the “economy of knowledge”, and its cultural and environmental reserve. The ROP for the RII for the programming period 2014-2020 is structured in five main strategic objectives (priorities), which are connected with nine different thematic objectives.

Assignment: Region of Ionian Islands

Ex-Ante evaluation and Strategic Environmental Assessment of the Regional Operational Programme of Western Greece 2014-2020 (SEA 13)

Ex-Ante evaluation and Strategic Environmental Assessment of the Regional Operational Programme of Western Greece 2014-2020 (SEA 13)


This study is the Strategic Environmental Assessment of the Regional Operational Programme (ROP) of Western Greece (RWG) for the programming period 2014-2020. The study covers the area of Western Greece which includes the Regional Units Aetoloakarnania, Achaia and Ilia.

The vision of RWG for the programming period 2014-2020 is self-sustaining, extroverted and sustainable reconstruction of Western Greece focused on its global identity, on its values for humans and the environment. The ROP of the EDP for the period 2014-2020 is structured in five main strategic objectives (priorities), which are connected with nine different thematic objectives.

Assignment: Region of Western Greece


Implementation of the River Basin Management Plan of RB GR12 according to the provisions of WFD 2000/60/EK-Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA 12)

Implementation of the River Basin Management Plan of RB GR12 according to the provisions of WFD 2000/60/EK-Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA 12):

This is the Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) of the Programme of Measures and the River Basin Management Plans (RBMP) for the RB of  Thrace (GR12), which includes five (5) watersheds: GR07 Nestos, GR08 Xanths- Xeropotamou, GR09 R. Komotini – R. Loutrou Evrou, GR10 R. Avantou - R. Loutrou Evrou and GR42 Thassos - Samothraki. This SEA contains and discusses the following sections:

a) The program of measures, including the specification of the rules or so-called basic measures that should be implemented to achieve the objectives set for 2015 in line with EU and / or national laws. These measures also include pricing measures taken in order to provide users with incentives to manage water effectively. Where these provisions are not sufficient to achieve the stated objectives, additional or supplementary measures were proposed  b) Plan to address water scarcity and drought.

Assignment Authority: MEECC- SSW

Implementation of the River Basin Management Plan of RB GR11 according to the provisions of WFD 2000/60/EK-Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA 11)

Implementation of the River Basin Management Plan of RB GR11 according to the provisions of WFD 2000/60/EK-Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA 11):

This is the Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) of the Programme of Measures and the River Basin Management Plans (RBMP) for the RB of  Eastern Macedonia (GR11), which includes the Strymon river basin(GR06). This SEA contains and discusses the following sections:

a) The program of measures, including the specification of the rules or so-called basic measures that should be implemented to achieve the objectives set for 2015 in line with EU and / or national laws. These measures also include pricing measures taken in order to provide users with incentives to manage water effectively. Where these provisions are not sufficient to achieve the stated objectives, additional or supplementary measures were proposed  b) Plan to address water scarcity and drought.