Strategic environmental impact

SEA of ROP in West Greece 2007-2013 (SEA 1A)

Strategic environmental impact assessment study of the Regional Operational Program (ROP) in West Greece for the period 2007-2013 (SEA 1Α):

This study is the SEIAS of the Operational Program of Western Greece Region (RWG) for the period 2007-2013. This study refers to Western Greece (RWG), which occupies the northwest part of Peloponnese and the western edge of Central Greece. It includes the prefectures Etoloakarnania, Achaia and Ilia. The aim of the program is to enhance the employment, development and social cohesion. The program brings together into a single text, the reforms that the Government designs and implements over the next three years in the Public Finance sector, the Structural Change and Employment, the Training and Education.

Assignment Authority: Western Greece Region

SEA of ROP in West Greece, Peloponnesus and the Ionian Islands (SEA 1B)

Strategic environmental impact assessment study of ROP in West Greece, Peloponnesus and the Ionian Islands (SEA 1Β):

This study refers to Western Greece, Peloponnesus and Ionian Islands, and includes three sub-regions and twelve counties.

The Operational Program (OP) of Western Greece - Peloponnesus - Ionian Islands is designed to help meet national strategic objectives, in addition to sectoral programs and emphasizes on particular characteristics and needs of each region. The study justifies strategically the environmental impacts of the programs implementation.

Assignment Authority: Western Greece Region


SEA OF ROP in Attica for the programming period 2007-2013 (SEA 2)

Strategic environmental impact assessment study of ROP in Attica for the programming  period  2007-2013 (SEA 2):

Attica’s NRP covers the geographical region of Attica Region. The priorities of the operational program for 2007-2013 in Attica are: strengthening accessibility infrastructure - energy, sustainable development and improving quality of life, enhance competitiveness, innovation and digital convergence, the regeneration of urban areas and the technical support for implementation. The study examined and justified in strategic terms the environmental impact of the programs implementation

Assignment Authority:  Attica’s Region

Prompona Biotechnical Park (SEA 3)

Amendment of the General Urban Plan of Athens in "Prompona Biotechnical Park" from" BIO. PA. "to" BIO.PA. for reorganizing (SEA 3):

This study is the preliminary Environmental File of the above project. The Prompona BIO.PA area, total area of 52 acres, is included in the limit GUP of Athens. The destination of the region as a Biotechnical Park has not been materialized so far. In order to enforce the provided uses in Article 5 of Presidential Decree of 23-2-87 (GG 11 D), they should be designated «BIO.PA for reorganizing». The study examined and justified in strategic terms the environmental impact of the program

Assignment Authority: «MARMIN» HELLAS

Point modification of the General Urban Plan of Zaharo Municipality (SEA 4):

Point modification of the General Urban Plan of Zaharo Municipality (SEA 4):

This study is the preliminary Environmental File in the above project. The proposed point amendment of the GUP concerns three cases:

• The Block 115, where the change of use of «urban green area» to «Urban Center - Central Operation Management » is proposed

• The Block 54, where the change of use of space «Cultural Operations» space to « Welfare Buildings » space is proposed

• The square area and sidewalks where the change of use from «Urban Center» in « green urban area »is proposed

 The study examined and justified in strategic terms the environmental impact of the program


Assignment Authority:  ZAHARO MUNICIPALITY