Studies of monitoring noise/air pollution


The study carried out as part of the Environmental Study of this project includes the following: • Records of the current state of the acoustic environment in the wider project development area, by performing appropriate acoustic measurements. • Assessment of the impact on the acoustic environment of the project area from the future operation of the Lavrio waterairport , by using an appropriate noise simulation software. • Proposal of mitigation measures to prevent, reduce and address the impacts on the acoustic environment of the project site during its operation.

Assignment Authority: Private

Assessment of Environmental noise in the framework of Directive 2002/49 / EC, for the agglomeration of Patras (NRM 13)

The project objective is to produce strategic noise maps on the basis of suitable software in accordance with the requirements of Directive 2002/49 / EC and its application to Patraw agglomeration, the preparation of an Acoustic Measurement Program in selected areas, the population noise exposure information and the preparation of an Action Plan (recommendations and protective measures against noise).


Assignment Authority: MEECC -Directorate of Noise and Air Pollution Control (D-NAPC)

Road Noise Level Monitoring and noise protection measures in Section St. Konstantinos - Cam. Vourla of PATHE Highway (NRM 10)

The aim of the project is the implementation of the Environmental Terms (which were approved by the CMD No. oik.85676/30-07-2002) for project "Improvement of National Road Athens - Thessaloniki, section Agios Konstantinos – Camena Vourla" and in particular the protection of roadside residents from the adverse effects of noise due to the operation of the highway.

Assignment Authority: MEPW-SSPW-PATHE


Recording air pollution, noise and vibration in the wider area of the Rio - Antirio bridge

Elaboration of research project for monitoring and recording air pollution, noise and vibration in the wider area of the Rio - Antirio bridge  (TES 23)

The project is monitoring the compliance with the environmental terms for the Rio-Antirio connection and the construction of the access roads.

 In particular, the air pollution is recorded, the noise and vibration level in selected places of the wider area of Rio-Antirio connection, and for selected time periods during 2005, 2006 and 2007. The results of field measurements are analysed and summaries and special reports are prepared, based on the records and the data analysis.

Assignment Authority: MEPW/SSPW

Extension of line 2 - Section of Ag. Antonios - Anthoupoli. Emissions of dust (ER 112)

Extension of line 2 - Section of Ag. Antonios - Anthoupoli. Special study and sampling program to monitor emissions of dust or particulate matter (ER 112):

The study made suggestions for reducing dust emissions and mitigate the effects through a concise description of the works objective and machinery to be used per site.

Assignment Authority: ATHENS METRO